Help Keep the Beaches of Nosara Green and Pristine


As the high season progresses, let’s continue to show visitors how we keep our beaches attractive and pristine. We are all part of the effort. Here are some ways you can help every day.

BarriGuiones reminds you to carry a large bottle of water with you en route to watch the sunset, so you can give the newly planted trees a big drink of water as you pass by.

Also carry a bag with you to collect the trash you see as you walk along. There are collection stations at the main beach entrances.

On the third Wednesday of every month, be part of the community trash cleanup at Guiones. Arrive around 7 am and get a trash bag from any of the beach entrances or the tallest palm tree.

What to Do When You See a Sea Turtle Nest

TortuGuiones loves to read reports of turtle and nest sightings. They love it even more if you report by filling out the form on their website (

Here is a step-by-step guide for identifying tracks:

  1. Which species is it? Identify species by their size and coloration and even by their tracks!
  2. Is there a nest? If a sea turtle laid her nest, there will be a lot of sand thrown around and the returning track will usually be asymmetrical.
  3. What happened to the nest? Poke marks, a stick, and a hole in the ground where the nest once was usually means a human poached the nest. Eggshells strewn everywhere usually means an animal predated it.
  4. Report! Click on the link at and report what you saw. Please share any photos and videos on their Facebook page @TortuGuiones

TortuGuiones now offers private volunteer training sessions for a US$30 donation to the project. You will learn about the wildlife refuge, sea turtle biology and conservation, and how to identify sea turtles and their tracks. TortuGuiones asks its volunteers to take walks on the beach in the morning to look for and report sea turtle tracks. Volunteers are always needed to participate in beach cleanups and to help maintain and replace the numbered beach markers.

Thank you for helping!
