Talkin’ Trash at the Legislative Assembly


Did you know that Costa Rica could soon ban the use of expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam)? Here’s your chance to support that effort with a few clicks by signing our petition to the Assembly supporting this amendment. Click here: “no styrofoam” amendment.

Here’s the background:

The legislature is considering an amendment to the Integrated Waste Management Law of 2010. The amendment requires commercial establishments to phase out their use of expanded polystyrene packaging, containers, and other materials and replace them with sustainable substitutes within five years. The amendment also requires the government to introduce incentives that encourage manufacturers of expanded polystyrene to convert to environment-friendly alternatives.

“The fundamental aim of this law is to prevent the disposal of material in municipal waste streams and even more important to prevent at all costs its disposal into the ocean. A law that prohibits expanded polystyrene will not only protect animals, reduce waste, and safeguard the ozone layer. It will also improve human health by promoting sustainable well being in all aspects of human life,” the amendment states.

Whether you’re a citizen, a resident, or a visitor, help us create momentum for this very timely amendment by signing our petition. Here it is again: “no styrofoam” amendment.
